Grilled Spanish Mackerel

Author: Marthinus Strydom
Category: Seafood
Serves/Qty: 2.00
Heidi Strydom

Now is the time to enjoy delicious, healthy Spanish Mackerel. A favorite of Spain and widely available, it's also one of the cheapest fish you can buy. Delicious when grilled!

Marthinus Strydom

Pairs well with
Authentic Chimichurri

The Story

It's widely available throughout the year and cheap compared to other fish such as Dorada. This is, in my opinion the tastiest fish you can eat! Spanish Mackerels are also one of the richest sources for Omega-3 fatty acids. These are the polyunsaturated fatty acids with huge health benefits. They are easily filleted and excellent eating baked, broiled, steamed, smoked, poached, or fried. 

More about Spain

Spain, a country on Europe’s Iberian Peninsula, includes 17 autonomous regions with diverse geography and cultures. Capital city Madrid is home to the Royal Palace and Prado museum, housing works by European masters. Segovia has a medieval castle (the Alcázar) and an intact Roman aqueduct. Catalonia’s capital, Barcelona, is defined by Antoni Gaudí’s whimsical modernist landmarks like the Sagrada Família church.

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¼ cup (12 Teaspoons) fresh parsley
2 tbsp (6 Teaspoons) olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
¼ tsp pepper
3 garlic cloves
1 cup (48 Teaspoons) chimichurri


  1. Clean the fish under running water. Make sure the gills have been removed. 
  2. This recipe is for 2 fishes.
  3. Place all the ingredients in a blender and pulse until chopped fine.
  4. Stuff each fish with the blended herbs.
  5. Rub the skin with olive oil.
  6. Sprinkle the skin with course sea salt.
  7. Let them rest in the fridge for an hour or 2.
  8. Grill on high heat. Use a fish grill so that you can turn the fish every few minutes. Keep going until the fish is properly charred.
  9. To test if they are done, just use a fork to gently remove some meat and make sure that the meat is cooked through.
  10. Serve with Chimichurri. 



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