Droë Wors

Author: Marthinus Strydom
Category: Meat Curing
Serves/Qty: 3.00
Heidi Strydom

There are few things as satisfying as snacking on droë wors (dried boere wors). As old as the Afrikaner itself, droë wors is something really exquisite.

Marthinus Strydom

The Story

Droëwors is a Southern African snack food, based on the traditional, coriander-seed spiced boerewors sausage. It is usually made as a dunwors (Afrikaans for "thin sausage") rather than dikwors ("thick sausage"), as the thinner sausage dries quicker and is thus, less likely to spoil before it can be preserved. If dikwors is to be used, it is usually flattened to provide a larger surface area for drying.

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Adjust Quanities

3 kg beef or venison (no pork or veal, it goes rancid when dried)
100 g beef fat (no pork or spek)
25 ml salt
5 ml ground black pepper
15 ml coriander singed and ground
1 ml ground cloves
2 ml nutmeg powder
125 ml brown vinegar
25 ml brandy (optional)
25 ml marsala (optional)
200 g narrow (thin) sausage casings


  1. Cube all meat
  2. Mix together thoroughly and mince coarsely.
  3. Place meat in large bowl
  4. Add all dry spices, vinegar and brandy (if used)
  5. Mix together lightly with a two pronged fork
  6. Place in fridge for +/- 2 hours to blend flavours
  7. Soak casings in water during this period
  8. Fit casings to sausage maker and fill with mixture
  9. Do not over- or under-stuff