Afrikaner Vetkoek

Author: Marthinus Strydom
Category: Baking & Sweets
Serves/Qty: 12.00
Heidi Strydom

Another quintessential South African dish that is easy to make and incredibly tasty, especially with curry mince as a filling. Enjoy!

Marthinus Strydom

The Story

Vetkoek is a traditional South African fried dough bread. The vetkoek forms part of South African culture. It is similar to the Caribbean Johnny cake, the Dutch oliebol, and the Mexican sopaipillas. Another similar South African recipe is Amagwinya, the Xhosa name for this fried dough ball. But this version can either be sweet or savoury, unlike vetkoek. The word vetkoek literally means "fat cake" in Afrikaans. It is similar in shape to a doughnut without a hole, and is made with a yeast dough. Vetkoeks Vetkoek are also often made alongside a curry mince, which is stuffed inside. Also known as a curry bunnie when stuffed with mince in the cape provinces. 

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520 g cake flour
10 g instant yeast
12 g salt
16 g sugar
375 ml lukewarm water (use more if dough is too dry)
cooking oil for deep frying


  1. Put the flour, yeast, salt and sugar in a bowl and mix it.
  2. Now slowly add the water and work it with your hand until it starts to form a dough.
  3. Now you have to knead for 10 minutes if you don't have an electric mixer. The dough should be nice and firm and elastic. If you have a mixer, you can do the steps in your machine with the dough hook. Let the machine run for 10 minutes.
  4. Grease a bowl and let the dough rise to double its size in your bowl. Cover the bowl with a cloth.
  5. Pour flour on your surface and flatten the dough with your hand until it is about 2 cm thick. Now take a glass, small press or an empty tin and press out your vetkoek.
  6. Place it on a greased baking sheet, cover it with a cloth and let it rise again.
  7. Put oil in a pot and let it heat up. Pour in a small piece of dough and if it rises to the top and turns brown, your oil is ready. Now fry about 3 vetkoek at a time. Turn when they are nicely browned.
  8. Drain on kitchen paper. 

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