Meat Cuts In Spain

Finding meat cuts that you are familiar with can be a challenge. You can get most meat cuts in the grocery stores. These stores are mainly Mercadona, Pepe La Sal, Consum, Carrefour and Aldi. There are a few other smaller ones but these are the most popular.

It helps to know the names of the most popular cuts in Spanish. Most employees that work at the meat counters in these stores struggle with English.

This is definitely not an exhaustive list and there are regional anomalies.

NB: Best beef similar to Angus Beef: Ternera de Gallego
Rump stewing steak - Ternera de tapas
Minced beef - Ternera Picado
Fillet mignon / Tenderloin - Solomillo
Sirloin/Striploin - Lomo Bajo
Prime rib - Lomo alto
Rib steak / Ribeye steak - Chuletón
T-Bone steak - Chuleta de lomo bajo con solomillo
Rump - Cadera
Tail of Rump / Thick flank - Babilla
Silverside - Contra
Topside or Silverside - Redondo (NB! Silverside is a square piece of meat. Topside is round)
Chuck - Aguja
Chuck tender - Pez
Bavette - Aleta
Brisket - Pecho
Cheek - Carrillada
Rib - Costillar
Thin Skirt - Entraña
Flank - Falda
Neck - Pescuezo
Oxtail / tail - Rabo
Shank - Morcillo
Topside (in some cases) - Tapa

If you have any more cuts that I don't have on this list, please email me and I will gladly add them.