Cover and allow to ripen for 45 min while keeping the temperature at 33 degrees C
Add lipase and stir
Cover and allow to ripen for 15 min
Stir well
Move milk with a spoon and add calcium chloride (diluted in 1/4 cup water)
Add rennet (diluted in 1/4 cup water)
Stir for 1 min
Cover and allow to coagulate for 45 min
Check for a clean break
Use whisk to cut curds into lentil size pieces.
Heat to 51 degrees C over a 1 Hour period while continuously stirring
Test curd to see if it's ready for pressing (grab some curd and squeeze. Then scrape the curd in your hand. If it separates into individual curds then it is ready. If not, stir for another 15 minutes and test again.
Cover and allow curds to settle in the bottom for 5 min
Drain curds into mould
Press at 11kg for 30min
Press at 22kg for 12 hours
Submerge in a saturated brine solution for 18 hours (turn at 9)