80 % lean pork
20 % pork back fat
2.80 % kosher salt
0.25 % cure # 1 (if you plan on using a casing with a diameter larger than mm then use cure # instead)
0.30 % dextrose
1 % minced garlic
0.50 % white pepper
5 % white wine
flavor of italy starter culture re-hydrate 1/4 tsp of starter in 1/8 cup of distilled water for every kilo of meat/fat. let this rehydrate for 30 minutes
mold 600 re-hydrate 1/2 tsp of mold in cup of non-chlorinated water. this will do about 2-4kg of salami. let sit at room temp for at least 5 hours before use
hog casings 32mm – 34mm
0.30 % granulated sugar