Slice the sweet potatoes into coins. Drizzle some oil over them and season with salt and papper.
Clean the fish. Remove head and tail and fillet the fish.
Dry the fish thoroughly with paper towels.
Add the butter to a pan and fry the garlic.
Add the apricot jam, lemon juice, soya sauce, white wine and chilli sauce.
Fry for a few minutes until the jam is properly melted and all the ingredients have come together.
Keep cooking to reduce the sauce until thickened.
Oil the fish on the skin side with olive oil.
Season the fish on both sides with salt and pepper.
Place the fish skin down on a grill over indirect heat.
Place the slices of sweet potato on the grill. Cook until they have deep grill marks, and soft inside.
Cook for about 10-12 min on the skin. Make sure it doesn't burn. The skin will bubble and that's good.
Liberally coat the flesh side of the fish with the basting sauce.
Place a piece of foil next to the fish and carefully flip the fish over onto the foil so that the skin side is at the top.
Cook for about 5 minutes. Baste the fish by carefully turning it over and basting the flesh. Turn is back again. This works better is you have a closing grill that you can secure the fish into. Just cover the one side of the grill with foil and place the fish flesh side down onto the foil. Close the grill and secure. This way you can easily open the frill to baste.
Remove the fish and let it rest for at least 10 minutes.
Serve with the sweet potatoes and left over basting sauce.